All About Me

All about me

Hi, my name is Sarah & I will telling you a little about myself.

I love school because you get to learn so much. I have the best teacher ever and her name is Ms Douglas. I love her because she is funny and a good singer. My favourite subjects are PE, spelling and art. I LOVE PE because I like sports and this term we are learning how to play cricket. I like sports because it keeps you fit and it’s super fun! I do Little Athletics and play for a soccer team. I also love spelling, even though I am terrible at spelling I like doing the tests. Normally I get 100% in my test but that’s only for easy tests. I adore art because I love painting. I don’t get all dirty and I usually don’t have paint on me when I come home.

I love hanging out with my friends. My best friend is called Olive. Olive and I have lots of fun like putting glue on our hands and then putting tissue on our hands with the glue to make it stick after we do that, we take it of and then we try to take it off! One time we laughed so hard we had to go to the toilet. Olive is kind like when she let me have her old soccer boots. After school Olive and I play 2 square and we are so good at it.

I have a brother called Ethan he is older than me. I can’t really play with him because he’s always studying. When I can play with him we play tennis and badminton in the backyard, nerf wars and LEGO.